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The third aspect was (iii) testing the relative sequence (contemporaneity) of the lahar emplacement with respect to the Pollena eruption. All hand samples were oriented in situ with magnetic and solar compasses and reduced to standard sizes at the CIMaN-ALP laboratory (Peveragno, Italy), where all the magnetic measurements were made. In Appendix B, the adopted paleomagnetic techniques and nomenclature are described. This study focuses on the analysis of pyroclastic fall and flow deposits and of the syn- and post-eruptive lahar deposits related to two sub-Plinian eruptions of Vesuvius in 472 CE (Pollena) and 1631. To begin with, historical and field data from the existing literature and from hundreds of outcrops were collected and organized into a database, which was integrated with several new pieces of data. In particular, stratigraphic, sedimentological (facies analysis and laboratory), and archeological analyses were carried out, in addition to rock magnetic investigations and impact parameter calculations.
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Generally, the upper part of the sequences is composed of an alternation of plane-parallel to cross-layered sands and gravels, with abundant rounded limestone fragments, emplaced by several alluvial episodes (post-eruptive) (lithofacies Sh-Ss). In these post-eruptive deposits, it is not uncommon to find terracotta fragments from the Imperial Roman age. On the other hand, the Pollena eruption had an even wider impact in terms of both primary pyroclastic deposition and secondary (lahar) impact. Figure 18Average lahar dynamic pressures (in kPa) estimated with a point-by-point reverse engineering approach. Figure 3The macro-basins defined on the basis of their geomorphological features to study the areas of possible accumulation and mobilization of deposits, which are used in modeling lahar generation of future events.
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At the same time, it provides enough depth to satisfy the needs of more experienced traders, offering comprehensive market analysis tools and real-time data visualization. At several locations, we found erosional unconformities (Fig. 16a) between the lower and upper flow units (Fig. 16b), as well as between the pyroclastic and lahar deposits. Erosion is an important factor for the entrainment of pre-existing materials and objects, which include large-sized clasts external to the remobilized pyroclastic material. Size and density of the largest clasts embedded in the deposits can give an idea of the carrying capacity of the lahars. We grouped all deposit descriptions into representative lithofacies to more directly characterize both the primary Immediate Max Air pyroclastic and lahar deposits (Table 2 and Fig. 7). Given the amount of data and description of the studied areas, we used these lithofacies to characterize a number of macro-areas between the Somma–Vesuvius sector and the nearby Apennine valleys (Appendix C).
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In particular, a higher impact from both primary and secondary phenomena is something that should be accounted for in the Vesuvius area, in addition to the following. In the area surrounding Nola (10–15 km from Apennine source valleys), it is possible to recognize the complete fallout sequence of the Pollena eruption (a in Figs. C1 and C2), which usually covers plowed soils (p in Fig. C1) and late Roman archeological remains. The sequence is composed of an alternation of coarse pumice and thin ash fallout layers.
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It is worth noting that in Cimitile the flows were able to carry limestone blocks of 50 cm in diameter, likely along the main flow direction of the lahars (Fig. C4). The full database allows a more precise reconstruction of the new isopachs for both the Pollena and 1631 eruptions, which is possible given the high number of data points in the study area. This enlargement of the area affected can have important implications for the hazard evaluation in terms of possible damage to densely inhabited territory. For given clast properties, flow dynamic pressure has a unique value, while flow velocity is a function of flow density. Indeed, the present scheme is a spot model that basically depends on, and is limited to, the finding of big clasts and boulders within the lahar deposits.
C1, above the primary deposit, there is an example of a well-exposed sequence composed of at least five units (c in Fig. C1). The first one is a massive and matrix-supported deposit composed of fine and non-vesiculated ash (lithofacies Gms), with fragments of greenish to blackish scoriae and minor fragments of pumices, lavas, and limestones. The second flow unit is similar to the one below but is darker and contains less coarse fragments. It follows a plane-parallel sequence of well-sorted fine sand and silt layers characterized by the lithofacies fM.
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Figure C11Taurano (Villa Lauro); baulk showing a thick sequence of the Pollena syn-eruptive lahar units filling the Roman villa. The fallout sequence is not exposed in the villa, likely due to the presence of a roof. The deposit below the damaged walls is composed of multiple lahar units represented by the Gms lithofacies (see Table 2). Figure A1Local dynamic pressures and velocities for the syn- and post-eruptive Pollena lahars calculated with the reverse engineering approach. As a general conclusion, we have demonstrated that the areal impact of both primary deposits and lahars, in the case of sub-Plinian events at Somma–Vesuvius, involves a territory wider than previously known and for several years, with possible decreasing damage over time.
The great availability and distribution of these ash deposits could explain the wide generation and distribution of the syn-eruptive lahars in the area. This has important implications for the evaluation of the source area and material available for the lahars accompanying and following these eruptions. Interestingly, there is an increase in the areas covered by pyroclastic deposits.